St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School


At St. Elizabeth's we relish the opportunity to celebrate our faith and showcase our learning through assemblies. We have many assemblies throughout the year - each Wednesday afternoon we have a class assembly, each year group have an assembly during Holy Week and during Advent. 

Prayer and Liturgy

At St Elizabeth's our all our work is centered upon Gospel Values and the children and staff alike strive to make the knowledge and love of God part of everyday life. We provide an environment where children can 'Let their Light Shine' embedding values and characteristics to develop as a whole person as well as embed the Catholic Faith.

The children take part in Prayer and Worship called Our Time With God. Here, our children can share ownership of, planning and leading parts themselves. Each session concludes with an action that shows how we can ‘Go Forth’ and how our understanding of God’s message can be used in our daily lives. As a whole school we follow the themes in our collective worship planner (which also links to British Values) in small group prayer sessions led by our chaplains, collective worship in classes and during whole school assemblies.  

Each class has its own focal point and display that demonstrates the importance of God’s Word, our own thoughts and prayers.