St Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School


 Ensuring that children receive full-time education is a legal requirement for all parents. At St. Elizabeth's Catholic Primary School we believe that regular school attendance is the key to enabling children to maximise the educational opportunities available to them and to enable them to become emotionally resilient, confident and competent adults who are able to realise their full potential and make a positive contribution to their community.

We ask children to be in for 96% of the time. This is because we are doing all we can for your child to have a happy successful future. In order to prepare them for secondary school and make sure they leave our school numerate & literate we NEED them to come into school every day so they don't miss any learning. Success at school and high achievement is inextricably linked to good attendance.


A telephone call or message on School Jotter is required from home on the first day of absence. A letter is required if a child is absent from school for more than one day. A first day calling system is used by our school. Parents/carers can expect a call or a message on School Jotter to ascertain why their child is absent. Any unexplained absence will be recorded as unauthorised.


Medical appointments 

We ask that all medical appointments, where possible, are made outside of school hours. Please ensure you have given school a copy of appointment letters. 


Holidays in term time

The Governing Body of St Elizabeth's have taken the decision not to authorise holidays in term time. If you believe you have an exceptional circumstance, you still have the right to apply for leave of absence. This form will be taken to the attendance panel meeting to discuss your request. You can request a leave of absence form from the office. You will be notified of the outcome following this meeting.


Attendance Policy