Mental Health and Wellbeing
At St. Elizabeth's we believe that valuable learning and life achievements depend on much more than quality first teaching or the tracking of pupil progress and attainment. We ensure that every member of our staff considers each child's broader well-being as being of utmost importance.
Therefore, we create opportunities and take the time to get to know the children in our care well and, when necessary, aim to support them and their families in addressing any issues in their Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH).
St. Elizabeth's Support Network
We have a proactive approach to supporting our children and their families, including:
- Mental Health and Well-being Lead: Miss Simmons.
- Trained Safeguarding leads; Miss Simmons, Mr Knight, Miss Dwan and Mrs Sands
- Specialist support from teaching assistants for pupils that need it,
- Trust Family Support Worker for 1:1 support for pupils and families,
- School Nurse for 1:1 support for pupils and families,
- Drop in sessions available on request
- Pupil parliament communication team member from every KS2 class to promote well-being
- Class 'mindfulness' activities using GoNoodle;
- Whole school assemblies to promote and support SEMH;
- Worry boxes around the school for children to easily request support from a trusted adult;
- Weekly personal and social education lessons and circle time sessions in all year groups;
- Workshops, events and assemblies with well-being focus
- Special support from CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service)
- A range of health and sporting activities across the curriculum and in after-school clubs.
If you would like to discuss any of the above, or how we might best support you and your child with their well-being and mental health, please speak with one of our Safeguarding leads.